what to give a child for better sleep

What to Give a Child for Sleep: Foods, Drinks + TOP-12 Supplements from iHerb

In This Article:

  1. General Recommendations for Better Child Sleep
  2. Nutrition Before Bed: What to Give Children in the Evening
  3. What Drinks Help a Child Sleep: Tea, Milk and other
  4. What to Give a Child for Sleep: TOP 12 Supplements from iHerb

A lack of routine and children’s whims before bedtime drain energy from both parents and kids. Sleep issues are not just an evening struggle but something much deeper. Poor rest affects a child’s overall health, behavior, and mood. That’s why parents try all available methods to help their child sleep peacefully and have restorative sleep. In this article, together with Herbzone, we will discuss how to improve nighttime rest and what to give a child for sleep, plus the TOP 10 supplements from iHerb.

General Recommendations for Better Child Sleep

Before diving into children’s supplements for better sleep, let’s recall some general recommendations to create a comfortable sleeping environment for the child. Remember, a mother’s embrace before bed works better than a sleeping pill.

  1. Proper Daily Routine: Establishing a stable daily schedule for a child is one of the most important steps towards improving sleep. Adhering to specific times for waking up, activity, meals, and sleep helps develop biological rhythms. Daily bedtime rituals (bathing, reading stories) help the child prepare for rest.
  2. Physical Activity: Children who get enough physical activity during the day usually fall asleep more easily. This can include outdoor play, sports, or even active games at home. However, it’s important to avoid vigorous activity right before bed, as it may overstimulate the child’s nervous system.
  3. Comfortable Sleep Environment: The bedroom environment plays a key role in sleep quality. It’s important to create a comfortable temperature (around 18-20°C), ventilate the room before sleep, use a comfortable mattress and appropriate bedding. Darkness and silence also promote better sleep. If the child is afraid of the dark, a night light with soft lighting can be used.
  4. Emotional Support and Calmness: A child who feels safe and calm is more likely to sleep peacefully. Before bed, you can hug the child, read a story together, or talk about how the day went. This helps create a sense of security and soothe emotions.
  5. Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy using essential oils of lavender, orange, or chamomile can have a positive impact on the child’s sleep quality. Lavender, in particular, is known for its calming effect. Just a few drops of essential oil on the pillow or in bathwater before bed can make a difference.
what to give a child to sleep

Nutrition Before Bed: What to Give Children in the Evening

To ensure peaceful sleep, pay attention to the child’s nutrition before bedtime. Children shouldn’t be too hungry or overeat before going to bed. Light snacks 1-1.5 hours before sleep can help calm them down and ease the process of falling asleep. These snacks can include milk with honey or a banana.

Foods containing tryptophan (an amino acid that promotes melatonin synthesis, the sleep hormone) are also beneficial. Such foods include milk, turkey, nuts, and cheese.

what to give the child to eat before bed

What Drinks Help a Child Sleep: Tea, Milk and other

Chamomile, mint, or lemon balm tea has a calming effect and promotes easier sleep. These herbs help reduce anxiety and relax the nervous system. Another popular beverage that helps a child calm down and fall asleep is warm milk.

  1. Warm Milk: Warm milk is one of the most common drinks that help promote sleep. It contains tryptophan – an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin and melatonin – the hormones that regulate the sleep cycle. Adding a spoonful of honey to the milk will enhance its calming effect, as honey helps reduce activity and promote calmness.
  2. Chamomile Tea: Chamomile tea has long been known for its soothing properties. It’s a mild drink that helps relieve anxiety and relax the nervous system. It’s safe for children when given in moderation and without added sweeteners. Consult a doctor if your child has a herb allergy.
  3. Lemon Balm Tea: Lemon balm has a gentle calming effect and helps with stress and nervous agitation. It is often used to improve sleep quality in children. Lemon balm tea has a pleasant aroma and mild taste, making it an excellent option for relaxation before bed.
  4. Mint Tea: Mint tea also helps with relaxation and calming. Although it might not be suitable for all children, many find it helps ease sleep, as mint has a sedative effect.
  5. Warm Water with Lemon: Warm water with a small amount of lemon juice is a gentle and light drink before bed. It contains no stimulants and does not excite the nervous system but rather relaxes it. Additionally, this drink supports the child’s immune system, which is also important.
  6. Warm Water with Honey: If the child doesn’t like milk, you can offer warm water with a spoonful of honey. Honey has mild calming properties, and warm water helps relax the body. However, remember that honey is not recommended for children under one year old.

What to Avoid:

  • Drinks with caffeine, such as tea or cocoa with a high cocoa powder content, as they can stimulate the nervous system.
  • Sugary drinks, which may increase energy levels due to their high sugar content.
what drinks will help the child to sleep

What to Give a Child for Sleep: TOP 12 Supplements from iHerb

iHerb offers many different supplements that can help improve children’s sleep. It’s essential to pay attention to the ingredients and usage recommendations, as supplements must be safe for children of different age groups. Here are some popular supplement options to help a child sleep better:

Melatonin: Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by the body to regulate sleep. It is often prescribed for children in low doses (usually 0.5-3 mg). Melatonin helps children who have difficulty falling asleep – after taking a tablet, the child will soon feel the need to go to bed.

Magnesium Complexes: Magnesium is known for its calming properties and helps with anxiety and muscle tension, which can make it harder to fall asleep. Magnesium complexes also improve a child’s overall well-being.

Chamomile and Lemon Balm Complexes: Supplements with chamomile and lemon balm are often used to calm the nervous system. They have a mild sedative effect and are beneficial for children who are often excited before bedtime.

Lavender Supplements: Lavender extract helps to relax and fall asleep – it slows down the nervous system and promotes relaxation.

L-Theanine Supplements: L-Theanine is an amino acid that promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness. It is often used as a supplement to reduce anxiety and help the child fall asleep more easily.

General dosage recommendations:

  • Children 4-8 years: The recommended dose is approximately 50 mg per day.
  • Children 9-12 years: The dose may increase to 100 mg per day, depending on needs and doctor’s recommendations.
  • Adolescents 13-18 years: Adolescents may have a dosage of up to 200 mg per day.

B Vitamins: B vitamins play an important role in supporting the nervous system. Low levels of vitamins B6 and B12 can contribute to anxiety and insomnia, so adding them to the diet can improve sleep quality.

Sleep supplement for the smallest


To ensure a healthy sleep for your child, it’s important to consider many factors, from daily routine to emotional support. Simple adjustments to the environment, proper nutrition, and timely routines can significantly improve sleep quality. Some dietary supplements can also aid in faster falling asleep and effective deep sleep.

Read also: What should adults drink at night to sleep well?

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What to give a child for sleep?

Among beverages, chamomile tea, mint, lemon balm, warm milk, or warm water with honey can help. As for supplements, you can give the child melatonin for children, magnesium, B vitamins, and the amino acid L-theanine, as well as lavender supplements.


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